HSA + IXL = RCS middle school math success!

img_0235Thanks to our Home and School Association, RCS middle school teachers have had a wonderful online resource to help students with geometry and other math skills.

Earlier this year HSA and RCS split the $600 subscription for IXL, a website where students at home or school can practice math skills by topic and get instant feedback.  As students get questions correct the problems get more difficult. If students get a problem wrong, they are given an explanation as well as easier problems to build up their missing mathematical skills.

“As a teacher I can assign specific skills for students to practice and monitor their progress,” says Helen Price. “Students enjoy the instant feedback and feel accomplished as they see their score for each topic grow with the practiced skills they have mastered.”

So far this year, 36 students have spent a total of 311 hours learning on IXL.

“My students are choosing to come in to get extra practice during break and after school, although they mostly use the program at home,” says Mrs. Price. “Students are even asking to use the program when they are done with their classwork. Who would think that kids would get excited about math?”